Kisah Sukses, Cerita Inspirasi dan Motivasi
Dapatkan inspirasi melalui berupa motivasi, persahabatan,
cinta, kisah sukses, kemanusiaan dan lain lain.. Apa arti dari Dunia ini jika kita tidak bisa saling berbagi ? Kirimkan cerita yang paling menjadi inspirasi kamu hari ini, niscaya semua keinginan kamu akan tercapai. Sukses Selalu!.
31 ways to make Her happy - Cinta
View : 200741 Created by : kath
1. Tell her she is beautiful
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if its just for a second.
3. Hug her from behind
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. Wrestle with her :)
6. don't go hang out with you ex when shes not
with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts
7. If youre talking to another girl, when you're
done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss
her....let her know she's yours and they aren't.
8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"
9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up (she loves it)
12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she
doesn't like it
13. Make her laugh
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. If you care about her, then TELL HER
17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a
stuffed animal (she'll hug it every time she goes
tosleep), jewelry (she'll treasure it forever), and one of
his t- shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts
sprayed with his cologne!! and flowers or something
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you
do when you're alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Hang out with her on weekends
21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)
22.Kiss her just for the heck of it
23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.
24. Remember her birthday and get her
something,even ifnits simple and inexpensive, it came from
YOU. it means all the world to HER.
25. when she gives you a present on your
birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and
tell her you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)
26. Always call her when you say you will, it may
not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes
her think you don't care so call even if you can only talk for
a minute.Girls don't necessarily have to have hour long
conversations every night but its nice for us to
hear your voice even for a quick hello.
27. Give her what she wants
28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually
mean the most.
29.dont hug her friends or your friends that are
girls cause she'll feel left out.
30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u
should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the
31.If u care about her...SHOW her!
Guys repost this if u would do it.....
inspirasi ke teman kamu !!!
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