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Humor yang bikin kamu senyum simpul, ketawa ngakak, sampai yang rada jayus ada di sini... Apa saja yang bisa bikin hari Sobat Gemintang yang jenuh menjadi lebih berGemintang.
Why I Fired my Secretary ? - Jokes
View : 78427
Created by : Didit
Two weeks ago was my 35th birthday and I wasn't
feeling too hot that morning anyway. I went to
breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant and
say "Happy Birthday" and probably have a present for me.

She didn't even say "Good Morning" let alone any "Happy

I thought, "Well, that's wives for you, the children will
remember." The children came in to breakfast and didn't
say a word. When I started to the office I was feeling
pretty low and despondent.

As I walked into my office my secretary, Janet, said,
"Good morning, boss. Happy Birthday."

And I felt a little better; someone had remembered.
I worked until noon. Then, Janet knocked on my door and
said, "You know, it's such a beautiful day outside and
it's your birthday, let's go to lunch, just you and me"

I said, "By George, that's the greatest thing I've heard
all day. Let's go." We went to lunch. We didn't go where
we normally go; we went out to the country to a little
private place. We had two martinis and enjoyed lunch

On the way back to the office, she said, "You know, it's
such a beautiful day. We don't need to go back to the
office, do we?"

I said, "No, I guess not."

She said, "Let's go to my apartment." After arriving at
her apartment she said, "Boss, if you don't mind, I think
I'll go change."

"Sure," I excitedly replied.

She went into the bedroom and, in about six minutes, she
came out carrying a big birthday cake, followed by my
wife, children, and dozens of our friends, all singing
"Happy Birthday."

And there I sat... on the sofa... naked!

...Beri humor ini ke teman kamu !!!
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