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Humor yang bikin kamu senyum simpul, ketawa ngakak, sampai yang rada jayus ada di sini... Apa saja yang bisa bikin hari Sobat Gemintang yang jenuh menjadi lebih berGemintang.
Christmas Jokes - Jokes
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Created by : Movie
On Christmas morning, a cop on horseback was sitting at a traffic light. Next to him was a kid on his shiny new bike. The cop said to the kid, "Nice bike you've got there. Did Santa bring that to you?" The kid said, "Yeah." The cop said, "Well, next year tell Santa to put a taillight on that bike." The cop then proceeded to issue the kid a $20 bicycle safety violation ticket. The kid took the ticket, but before he rode off he said, "By the way, that's a nice horse you got there. Did Santa bring that to you?" Humoring the kid, the cop said, "Yeah, he sure did." The kid said, "Well, next year tell Santa to put the dick underneath the horse, instead of on top."

...Beri humor ini ke teman kamu !!!
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Kategori lainnya
Why I Fired my Secretary ? - Jokes
Two weeks ago was my 35th birthday and I wasn't
feeling too hot that morning anyway. I went to
breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant and
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15 tips anti BT di lift - Umum
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Rokok - Umum
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Ayah: "Iya saya tahu."

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Mori vs Clinton - Jokes
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conversation training before he visits Washington and
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The instructor told Mori: "Prime Minister, when you
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Soeharto - Umum
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pernah ingin belajar dari Lee Kuan Yuw bagaimana cara memilih
menteri yang pintar. Maka kemudian berkunjunglah ia ke-
Singapura. "Bagaimana caranya memilih menteri yang pintar,
Pak Lee?" tanya HMS ketika bertemu dengan Lee Kuan Yew.
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